This is not a shitpost but neither a serious post. It's merely to complain about the thing I have seen amazingly and heard disappointedly across many movie and game soundtrack. That's right. I'm a Sample Justice Warrior, here to shit on the famed and the lazy in the industry. From a self-deprecated POV.
There is a thing in among film composers, that you would dissect a movie based on its sounds instead of the story or visual. Ain't it a thing among y'all? Anyway, the other most well known thing among composers is that the most overtly overused sample libraries are Hybrid Tools (1,2,3), Damage and Project Alpha & Bravo. But there are another, and there is this new trend of composers using it over and over again until your ears bleed.
Heavyocity AEON.
That's right. If you close your eyes then listen to the soundtrack of Emmy award winning Mr. Robot and blockbuster The Foreigner sound exactly the same, and vice versa. Why is it? That's because Mac Quayle and Cliff Martinez used the fucking same presets with slightly different EQ (of fucking course) and different keys. No fucking talent required to use AEON. In the old days, years ago, I often jokingly told Lich that 90% of my "synth" came from AEON. Because you don't need much skill to use it. In fact it takes more skill for preset pusher Zimmerman aka Deadmau5 to use Massive.
Now when I moved to Serum and Zebra I found out how many of these presets were made in shit like Zebra and Serum. I deeply disappointed.
Then Gravity. Thank goodness Mac Quayle moved onto Gravity and NOVO so Mr. Robot doesn't sound like a preset dumpster, judging from the fact that his toolbox is only Heavyocity or 8Dio preset "synths". Martinez is the worst. His entire creativity is focused on loops of Damage, Master Sessions and AEON. Especially AEON. What the fuck yo.
There is also a thing among composers tried to justify that they don't have time to make synth. I mean like how the fuck don't you have time when you spent 10 hours on a fucking string mockup that could be done in half that time and still sound realistic.
I'm not complaining about the quality of Mr. Robot soundtrack. I love the show. I just feel like it was Ari Winter and Neil Goldberg (Heavyocity creators) that won Emmy and not Mac Quayle.
AEON ages well tho. It's still usefull when you make glitch shit if you know what you are doing.
The perils of having overly recognisable synths used by overly lazy people to make a quick buck, eh.
zybor (Updated )
I hate it when hard work people like you and I who spent time making music with basic shit (or at least that's how I started out) while the big industry people can make a lot of money from over the counter shit. It's a shame.