Ever since my ATH-M50x broke (last year), I never got another headset. Since then I have been mixing frugally with a cheap pair of Sony headphones that came with my Walkman. Why? It has slightly better bass than the other cheap $20 Sony headphones, however the downside that I have to sacrifice a lot in the mix is because the Walkman headphones is loudness-boosted, meaning that it's much louder than actual level. So I have to mix really quiet. Compression came along as a band-aid for the problem, but soon it ruins my quality because I just use to Gullfoss treatment for everything. If y'all heard the stuff featured in Deadswitch 3, those were made with the ATH-M50x which explains why I could do the wide mix so easily. Next month I'm gonna get another ATH-M50x tho. No more weed, I'd stay sober a month for the headset. :)
PS. It's also a reason why I haven't made new work recently. Thanks to @Seprix for showing me the light with actual advice and I was an asshole toward him. Go check out his works, he's more pro than me.
Stay tuned.