This is a short guide to non-conformity of music production and composition that many composers fell in the same trap.
This is also a diss page. So buckle up.
A - Hans Zimmer "chuga-chuga" and "brawww" won't get you new gigs
Wow you bought a new trailer library? Oh you bought Zebra 2 or Serum? That's a step up! Did you know that you cam make so many other genres and styles with these tools?
Don't try to run with the prison's wall, get over the wall so you can see the other side.
B - Invest your time and labour in sound design, nerd
Sound design isn't just about making boring synth or randomly knocking some "found" instruments. Sound design is everything you can get your hands on, so you can amplify its power. Also don't be a preset pushers. If you are a preset person, at least customize your presets so they don't sound like Mac Quayle ripped a loop from Cliff Martinez. Or vice versa. That's what happen when they use the same tool. At least filter and EQ your shit, nerds.
C - Orchestra doesn't mean free pass to unoriginal shit, no matter how profession your "masterpiece" was
Often I heard shit like this, and thought to myself wow, nice you finally got 8Dio shit Majestica, at least it's time to invest in something that sound less generic. Fuck that was loud, learn to mix better too, over-compressing your stupid track doesn't make it sound better.
D - If you ever happened to make "chuga-chuga" stuff, be a bit more unique
This is a typical chuga-chuga track. This is my chuga-chuga track. You don't need millions of samples or synths to make shit work.
That's it for now. Not quite a tutorial, not fully a diss.