Beautiful track. I feel regretful why all these good tracks so short. Maybe beauties only last a while, but they are pretty.
Beautiful track. I feel regretful why all these good tracks so short. Maybe beauties only last a while, but they are pretty.
Thank you very much for the kind words, the rate and the follow. The next one is coming along smoothly now and you should be able to see it this weekend. :D
you are the only person that can use dm-307 like it's intended for. brilliant piece.
Aw thanks man, but I'm sure there's lots of people who can do a far better job with the dm-307 then me :)
Couldn't tell if many weird people voted for this, or bot viewed.
Hey do you like to do codin... I'm kidding.
Nicely done track. Great work. This is what most cinematic shits should sound like, not those generic loud tracks you heard on trailer. I think I spotted an off chord note somewhere at the beginning, but it's okay cos the rest compensated for this epic piece. Epic is not meant to blow it until your ears bleed. This is epic music.
Great job with the Tina Guo Cello and CineStrings. Great choices of melodies and chord progression. The climax was the best actually. Beautifully done.
:P I actually managed to solve that bug, hehe...
Thank you. Yeah, there's a note in the beginning that is a bit off, but that's the legato engine's fault. Not sure what happened there. The strings are actually from 8Dio, all legato instruments. :D They've been pretty much my standard since 2013.
Yeah, I share your sentiment about what constitutes the majority of "epic" tracks these days. I do some sad shit, but at least it's from the heart and I wouldn't trade it for anything on this world. Thanks for your review, see you soon and happy New Year. :)
Wait until Phono listen to this one. I like this version better. Much better played and full of emotions. The piano sound is truly ear-candy. Excellent piece.
Happy New Year. Wish the best to you.
I hope he will listen to this one! I'd love to hear his comments :)
I'm glad that you've had yourself a listen though! Thank you for the lovely words, and for the best wishes!
I'm a bit late, but Happy New Year to you as well :D
larry is famous! larry is famous!
If you can't reach me in time for permission, feel free to go ahead use my work anyway.
Joined on 12/21/16